Pistachio and Its History

Pistachio and Its History

Pistachio and Its History

The homeland of the pistachio tree is the Middle East and Central Asia. Archaeological evidence shows that pistachios were consumed around 6750 B.C in the history. The form of pistachio that is currently grown has Bronze Age origin and its lineage is based on the geography of Uzbekistan. There are four types of pistachio according to the place they are grown: Antep, Siirt, Damascus and Iran. The type which is called as “Iranian pistachio” is the most grown one among them. The fruits of Iranian pistachio are larger than any other type. However, their fat content is extremely low.
Pistachio was cultivated first in Southern Anatolia where the Hittites lived. The fact that it was introduced to the kings’ tables in those times indicates that there were good cultural species, and the value of the fruit was known back then. Plenchon reports that its cultivation is very ancient. Plinius, on the other hand, writes that pistachio was first brought to Rome in the first century of Christian Era by the Governor of Syria Vitellius of that time. Later, it traveled to Spain from there. In this way, on one hand, pistachio spread in Italy, Sicily, Southern France, Spain, and North Africa in the Mediterranean region, and on the other hand, its fruits were used in Iran, Afghanistan, and India, where its wild species spread. The beginning of pistachio cultivation in the USA coincides with the second half of the 19th century.
In fact, pistachio was started to be called as ‘’Antep pistachio’’ when the Republic of Turkey was founded.
As its name refers to it, Antep pistachio is cultivated in Gaziantep province mostly in Turkey. Gaziantep is followed by Kahramanmaraş, Şanlıurfa, Siirt, Malatya, Adıyaman, and Diyarbakır provinces.

Benefits of Pistachio
• ● Bir avuç antep fıstığı bir adet büyük muzun yarısından daha fazla potasyum içerir.
● Antep fıstığının kabuğunda bulunan lif sayesinde mide zarını korumaya yardımcı olur ve midede oluşan fazla asit oluşumunu önler. Hazımsızlık ve şişkinliğe de iyi gelir.
● Damarları genişleterek kanın daha rahat dolaşmasını sağlar ve kandaki kötü kolesterolü düşürür.
● İçeriğindeki E vitamini cilt kalitesini yükseltir, saçlardaki ve ciltteki kuruluğa iyi gelir.
● Bir avuç tüketimiyle insan vücudunun ihtiyacı olan günlük fosforun %60’ını karşılamaktadır.
● Antep fıstığı lutein ve zaeksantin maddelerini içerir, bu da özellikle ilerleyen yaşlarda göz sağlığını korumada birebirdir.
● Özellikle kavrulmamış antep fıstığının içeriğinde bulunan vitaminler, hücre duvarını güçlendirdiği için yeni nesil virüslere karşı korunmada tedbir olarak tüketilebilir.
● A handful of pistachios contain more than half of the potassium of a big banana has.
● Thanks to the fiber in the shell of pistachio, it helps to protect the stomach lining and prevents excess acid formation in the stomach. It is also good for indigestion and bloatedness problems.
● It allows the blood to circulate more easily by expanding the veins and reduces the bad cholesterol in the blood.
● The vitamin E in its content improves the quality of the skin and is good for dryness problem of hair and skin.
● It meets 60% of the daily phosphorus need of human body with a handful consumption.
● Pistachio contains lutein and zeaxanthin substances, which is perfect for protecting eye health especially in older ages.
● Vitamins that are present especially in unroasted pistachios can be consumed as a precaution to protect against new generation viruses as they strengthen the cell wall.

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